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Our volunteers are our foundation

Mikayla’s Grace is a 501c3 non-profit run solely by volunteers. We could not fulfill our mission if it was not for our team of dedicated volunteers! There is plenty to do, and we welcome everyone who is interested in supporting the bereaved and NICU parents in our community. We depend on volunteers to help assemble our donations for hospitals, make handmade items for our boxes, plan our events, conduct fundraising events, and serve on planning committees.

If you have a specific task in mind or if you can offer your expertise in a certain area, contact us at mikaylasgrace@gmail.com. Most of our volunteers need no experience to be helpful!

There are a variety of ways you can get involved

Serve on Work Day Planning Committee

Individuals on this committee help prepare for our Work Days which are held once yearly in May or June by organizing and leading specific areas of the Work Days. The Work Days are an opportunity for any of our community supporters to come and help assemble the donations which are given to local hospitals. We typically have 8-10 volunteers leaders who are in charge of coordinating different work areas during this event. Melissa will train you on a specific area prior to the Work Day and we hope to get volunteers for this position who are willing to join us for both Work Days as leaders.

Attend a Work Day

A Work Day is where we invite community supporters to spend a few hours helping us assemble all of the items that will be donated to the hospitals. We need many volunteers to help…no experience necessary! You can see more information and share the event on our Facebook page.

Make handmade baby blankets and gowns

We are always in need of these donations. If you are able to knit, sew or crochet, you will find patterns and specific information about what is needed on our Handmade Donation page.

Secure community business sponsorships for our event

We accept corporate sponsorships levels for our October event. If you or your business are interested in supporting this important community event, please contact us.  You can see our Sponsorship Packet for consideration here.

Tell Others about Mikayla’s Grace

Mikayla’s Grace relies on word-of-mouth to let people know about our services including families and medical professionals. We also need your help in spreading the word about our organization. By telling others about Mikayla’s Grace, you will likely impact a family who might not otherwise know of the services we provides.

You can also join us in sharing our mission through social media. You can support us by becoming a fan, following, and subscribing to our pages on Facebook and Twitter.

Please take the time to share our website via your social networks. Your small action may make a difference in the life of bereaved and NICU families.

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