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Additional resources for families

We’ve collected a breadth of resources to further help families who’ve experienced loss, along with resources for those who may have not experienced the loss of a child directly but want to provide support for their friends or family who have.


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Local Events for Bereaved Parents

The Forever In Our Hearts Remembrance Day, October. This Remembrance Day is to honor families who have lost babies through pregnancy, stillbirth, or in early infancy. This event was started in 2011 and is planned by local bereaved parents and Mikayla’s Grace. October is the nationally recognized month of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness as proclaimed by President Ronald Reagan in 1988. October 15th was then envisioned as a day for families and friends to come together to remember and honor babies who left this world too soon. You can see details of the event here.

December Memorial: Planned by the Bereaved Parents of Madison for members of this support group each December. Contact for details.

The Compassionate Friends Memorial Day Service at Vilas Park, Memorial Day: The Madison Area Chapter of TCF has memory benches in Madison’s Vilas Park children’s playground. Since 1994, they have added almost 900 names of beloved children to these memory benches. You can have your child’s name placed on a bench during the Memorial Day Ceremony and they have a special program in memory of all the children who are a part of the Vilas Park Memory Bench playground. You can contact The Compassionate Friends to have your child’s name placed on a bench, deadline is usually May 1st.

The Compassionate Friends Memorial Walk, September.

Babies Gone Too Soon Memorial Walk, May. Held at Harris Park in Dodgeville, WI.

Madison Area Support Groups

Bereaved Parents of Madison: This is a peer lead support network of parents that is specifically for losses in pregnancy or the first year of life. They meet on the third Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm, in Bay 4 of St. Mary’s hospital. They have a website or you can contact the leader of the group, or 920-643-0217.

Bereaved Parents of Madison Facebook Page: This is a closed, private group that you have to request to join. Email Molly ( your story and she can add you. This can be a great place to connect with other parents who have experienced the loss of a child.

The Bereaved Parents of Madison Newsletter includes all local support group dates and times.

The Compassionate Friends, Madison Chapter: Meets the third Thursday of every month 7:00 – 8:30 pm at the Monona Evangelical Lutheran Church, 4411 Monona Dr, Monona, WI 53716. They also send out a newsletter, which you can sign up for by emailing

Babies Gone Too Soon Support Group (Dodgeville, WI): monthly meetings held to support those affects by pregnancy loss. See Facebook page for details.

Madison Area Pregnancy After Loss

Bereaved Parents of Madison Pregnancy After Loss Support: A support group for women pregnant again after a loss. Becoming pregnant after losing your precious baby can be another emotional journey. There are often conflicting emotions – joy and excitement mixed with grief and fear. Expecting moms often need additional support and find more comfort with other moms who are also pregnant again after loss. Rainbow Pregnancies of Madison is a supportive and safe place for mothers during their rainbow pregnancies. There is a private Facebook support page and monthly support group meetings. The group is facilitated by Rebecca Markert. For further information, please contact

Madison Area Grandparent Support

Grandparent Support Group Meetings – If you are a grandparent who has lost a grandchild during pregnancy or infant loss and would like to connect with others who have been through this experience, please contact Maureen Berghoefer. There is a local group of grandparents who plan to meet every few months. Those who have experienced the loss of a grandchild are warmly invited to join our circle of support. For more information, please contact Maureen at 798-4820. You can email Maureen ( to be added to their mailing list.

Financial Assistance for Bereaved Parents

The Angel Fund: Supported by the non-profit, Babies Gone Too Soon, this fund helps with memorial and funeral expenses after such an unexpected loss of a child. See their website to determine eligibility for a grant from the Angel Fund.

The Marigold Foundation: Provides financial aid to families facing a complex medical diagnosis or the loss of infant.

The Alana Rose Foundation: Provides burial support

Lactation and Breastmilk Donation After Loss

Second trimester miscarriage, stillbirth or neonatal death brings with it an added trigger of milk production. Typically, 2-7 days after birth, milk production starts and it can not only be a big trigger, but physically painful as well. There are ways to ease the engorgement and transition to drying your milk, or other options that may be a help to your grief. You can read some ways to ease the discomfort tip here. There is an excellent pamphlet with more details about Lactation After Loss here. More Post Loss Lactation Resources here. For some mothers, it can be very healing to pump their breast milk and donate it to another baby in need. Breastmilk donated to milk banks is provided to premature babies in NICUs and very ill infants. It can be lifesaving. While the idea of pumping can seem too difficult for many mothers, those who feel drawn to the idea usually take great comfort in their ability to put their baby’s milk to use. If you have been pumping for your baby, it can be extremely difficult to think of discarding your milk. There are several articles about how donating your breastmilk can be a healing experience here.

Madison Area:

Madison Area Donor Milk Alliance: created by Madison area women to keep milk donation at the local level.

Mother’s Milk Bank of the Western Great Lakes: Local drop offs in Madison, processed in Ohio and milk donated in multiple states.

Human Milk for Babies –Wisconsin Facebook group

Human Milk Banking Association of North America

Wisconsin Area Retreat

Faith’s Lodge: A retreat in Northern Wisconsin, near the town of Webster, that provides a place where parents and families facing the serious illness or death of a child can retreat to reflect on the past, renew strength for the present, and build hope for the future. They have weekly retreats, some of which are specifically geared towards families who have experienced the loss of an infant. Camp Hope: Camp HOPE is a wonderful place in central Wisconsin where children and teenagers gather to work through the grieving process after a loved one dies. The camp gently guides the children and teenagers through the complex emotions by showing them that they are not alone. Fun is the top priority at Camp HOPE. The children and teenagers learn that it is okay to laugh and play and that to do so is not disrespectful to the memory of the person who died. Through playing, sharing, and being together with peers and staff who know the pain, the children and teenagers realize that the emotions they are feeling are a normal part of grief. What is happening to them happens to others everywhere, and at Camp HOPE, their pain is understood and shared

Places you can donate Wedding Dresses to be made into Infant Burial Gowns:

 Rest In His Arms Angel Gowns

Emma and Evan Foundation

The Angel Gown Project

Infant Loss and Grief Books you can check out at local Madison Public library system

Sudden infant death: enduring the loss (DeFrain, John D) Parenthood Lost: healing the pain after miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant death (Berman, Michael R) Coming to term: a father’s story of birth, loss, and survival (Woodwell, William H) A piece of my heart: living through the grief of miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death (Fumia, Molly) An empty cradle, a full heart: reflections for mothers and fathers after miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death (Lafser, Christine O’Keeffe) Empty arms: coping after miscarriage, stillbirth and infant death (Ilse, Sherokee) A group I never wanted to join : practical advice and stories of hope and recovery for grieving people (McNunn, Marty) Miscarriage, a woman doctor’s guide: the support and facts you need to get through pregnancy loss (Friedman, Lynn) Surviving pregnancy loss: a complete sourcebook for women and their families (Friedman, Rochelle) A silent sorrow: pregnancy loss : guidance and support for you and your family (Kohn, Ingrid) Unspeakable losses: healing from miscarriage, abortion, and other pregnancy loss (Kluger-Bell, Kim) Something happened: a book for children and parents who have experienced pregnancy loss (Blanford, Cathy) An exact replica of a figment of my imagination: a memoir (McCracken, Elizabeth) Naming the Child: Hope filled reflections on Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant death (Jenny Schroedel) Life Touches Life(Lorraine Ash) Still (Stephanie Page Cole) Chicken soup for the grieving Soul (Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen) How to Survive the Loss of a Child (Catherine Sanders) A Gift of Time: Continuing your Pregnancy When Your Baby’s Life is Expected to be Brief (Amy Kuebelbeck and Deborah Davis) An Empty Cradle, A Full Heart (Christine O’Keefe Lafser) Empty Cradle, Broken Heart (Deborah Davis)

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Other Websites to visit:
Special Dates to Remember
Things to Participate In
Emotional Healing
Guided meditation for birth healing for women who have had difficult birthing experiences Helping Yourself Heal When Your Child Dies
Other Recommended Resources
Alive Alone – organization that publishes a bimonthly newsletter for bereaved parents now childless and networks parents with no surviving children Anchored By Hope – online bible study and Christian support ministry for those suffering from pregnancy and infant loss Baby Center’s Miscarriage, Stillbirth and Infant Loss Support Group Baby Loss Directory – a list of blogs encompassing all types of losses Bereaved Parents of the USA – offers support, understanding, compassion and hope to the newly bereaved Carly Marie Project Heal: many resources touching on all aspects of healing after a loss. Faces Of Loss: One of the most comprehensive resources for pregnancy and infant loss including a place to tell your story of Loss or story of Hope. First Candle – national organization dedicated to safe pregnancies and babies thru the first year of life, helps grieving parents Glow in the Woods – support for parents of lost babies Griefshare – Subscribe to “A Season of Grief,” our free daily email messages designed to encourage you. You’ll receive 365 uplifting messages that will help guide you through the healing process. Grieve Out Loud Growing Through Affliction – encouragement, articles, scriptures to help in grieving Healing Hearts for Bereaved Parents – grief support and services to parents who are suffering the death of their child Healing Hearts Baby Loss Comfort – support and resources, free e-cards Heartstrings Support – group and one-to-one support for those with similar losses, subsequent pregnancy support Honoring Our Angels – honoring your baby through service and connection, posts about grief Journey Through Grief – learn about grief and processing it March of Dimes – information about handling grief and loss Mason’s Cause: A collection of website, blog, and article links provides parents, friends and family with the answers they need NOW.  Their Surviving Tragedy page has information for immediately after the death.  Their Hope & Healing section provides everyone with information to help them overcome grief with special subpages for parents, fathers, friends,grandparents, siblings. M.E.N.D. – support group for families MISS Foundation – immediate and ongoing support for grieving families Now I Sleep – album of original solo piano music for families who mourn the loss of a baby. Our Hope Place – a meeting place for those who have experienced miscarriage or infant loss Patches the Bear – a little bear who visits babylost families to patch up their broken hearts PILARI – support those affected by pregnancy and infant loss and raise awareness Pray Date – a place where angel mommies come and share their thoughts on scripture Pregnancy Loss Info Remembering Our Babies (October 15th) – provides support, awareness, and education, special day to remember all babies lost Rowan Tree Foundation – provides ongoing support and resources for families who are coping with the devastating loss of a much-loved child Share Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support – support for parents and professionals dealing with pregnancy and infant loss Silent Grief – support for the loss of a child.  Also receive weekly email support. Stepping Stones – a place for help and to share ideas for those who have lost a child Still Standing Online Magazine still life 365 – art by those affected by babyloss Stirrup Queen’s Blogroll – a list of blogs about infertility and loss Sufficient Grace Ministries – support and materials for grieving families Sunshine After The Storm – A Guide for bereaved mothers The Compassionate Friends – resources and support for grieving families The Dead Baby Club – resource blog for those parents who have lost a baby The Star Legacy Foundation – dedicated to stillbirth research and education Tiny Handprints – comfort to those affected by a devastating loss to SIDS or SUID through educational resources, grief support, community, and prayer Voices for the Loss – support community for the loss of your baby Whispered Support – practical and emotional support after loss With Sympathy Gifts – Free download of Grief 101 and other resources I Am A Mother to an Angel
Other Resource Sites & Forums
Miscarriage Matters: Lots of resources online, a forum, and be connected with a Women of Empowerment team member for one-on-one support from a woman with a similar type of loss. March of Dimes – The March of Dimes miscarriage information page.
Miscarriage Support Forum – A website devoted to support for parents who have lost a child through miscarriage.  Includes a discussion forum, helpful information about grief, and suggested reading. Miscarriage Support Auckland Inc.– A support organization that offers resources, advice, and support.
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Information Miscarriage Support.Org  – A message board/forum offering support following a miscarriage.
Miscarriage Association – A U.K. based organization offering resources and support for parents following a miscarriage, ectopic or molar pregnancy. The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust – Resources, support and information for parents following an ectopic pregnancy.
Baby Center’s Miscarriage, Stillbirth and Infant Loss Support Group Baby Loss Directory – a list of blogs encompassing all types of losses Bereaved Parents of the USA – offers support, understanding, compassion and hope to the newly bereaved First Candle – national organization dedicated to safe pregnancies and babies thru the first year of life, helps grieving parents Glow in the Woods – support for parents of lost babies Griefshare – Subscribe to “A Season of Grief,” our free daily email messages designed to encourage you. You’ll receive 365 uplifting messages that will help guide you through the healing process. Grieve Out Loud Growing Through Affliction – encouragement, articles, scriptures to help in grieving Healing Hearts for Bereaved Parents – grief support and services to parents who are suffering the death of their child Healing Hearts Baby Loss Comfort – support and resources, free e-cards Heartstrings Support – group and one-to-one support for those with similar losses, subsequent pregnancy support Honoring Our Angels – honoring your baby through service and connection, posts about grief Journey Through Grief – learn about grief and processing it March of Dimes – information about handling grief and loss Mason’s Cause: A collection of website, blog, and article links provides parents, friends and family with the answers they need NOW.  Their Surviving Tragedy page has information for immediately after the death.  Their Hope & Healing section provides everyone with information to help them overcome grief with special subpages for parents, fathers, friends,grandparents, siblings. M.E.N.D. – support group for families MISS Foundation – immediate and ongoing support for grieving families Now I Sleep – album of original solo piano music for families who mourn the loss of a baby. Our Hope Place – a meeting place for those who have experienced miscarriage or infant loss Patches the Bear – a little bear who visits babylost families to patch up their broken hearts PILARI – support those affected by pregnancy and infant loss and raise awareness Pray Date – a place where angel mommies come and share their thoughts on scripture Pregnancy Loss Info
Remembering Our Babies (October 15th) – provides support, awareness, and education, special day to remember all babies lost Rowan Tree Foundation – provides ongoing support and resources for families who are coping with the devastating loss of a much-loved child Share Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support – support for parents and professionals dealing with pregnancy and infant loss Silent Grief – support for the loss of a child.  Also receive weekly email support. Stepping Stones – a place for help and to share ideas for those who have lost a child still life 365 – art by those affected by babyloss Stirrup Queen’s Blogroll – a list of blogs about infertility and loss Sufficient Grace Ministries – support and materials for grieving families The Compassionate Friends – resources and support for grieving families The Dead Baby Club – resource blog for those parents who have lost a baby The Star Legacy Foundation – dedicated to stillbirth research and education Tiny Handprints – comfort to those affected by a devastating loss to SIDS or SUID through educational resources, grief support, community, and prayer Voices for the Loss – support community for the loss of your baby Whispered Support – practical and emotional support after loss
Memorial Keepsakes
1st Frame – Personalized picture frames A Lacy Creation –  An idea to save memories from flowers. They dehydrate the flower petals – crush into a powder – mix with other ingredients to form a clay.  Each bead is hand-rolled to the desired size and after a drying period made into various items/products. The color of the flowers determine the color of the beads. Flowers can be given to us fresh or already dried.
Angel Bracelets – personalized bracelets to remember your child
Angels for Hope – a free crocheted angel for those in need of hope A Place To Remember – books, cards, memory boxes, ornaments, jewelry, clothing, certificates, baby books Audrey’s Little Light – customized memorial scrapbook candles Aurelia Rose Inc. – free personalized video that captures your journey with your child Baby and Infant Loss Memorial Keepsakes: memorial frames, Memorial cards & annoucements, Sympathy cards, Baby angelversary cards, Baby memorial books. Baby Angel Pics – photo restoration for your baby’s pics Beyond Words Designs – words describing your child painted on a canvas and more Casting Keepsakes – belly casts, clay kits, 3D molds, shadowboxes, ink Engraved Euniques – engraved tiles and more Faces of Loss Garden Angel Art Works – Stepping stones, glass photo tiles Glory Babies A to Z – memorial jewelry where purchases go towards creating a personalized necklace for parents who have suffered the loss of a child. Hanami Prints – purchase memorial jewelry, candles, keepsake boxes, loss birth announcements, Christmas ornaments, charcoal prints. Fran’s Candles Heavenly Angels In Need – memory boxes, caskets, burial garments, hats/booties Heaven’s Gain – caskets for miscarriage/early stillbirth Heaven’s Gain Memorials – memorial gifts and keepsakes, books of condolence and memory books Imprint On My Heart – fine fingerprint jewelry In Our Hearts Photo Pendants – a pendant of wood or glass created to remember your child Jules Jewelry – variety of jewelry Just A Cloud Away – scrapbooking, remembrance kit, creating crafts/baskets La Belle Dame – memorial, fertility, and pregnancy jewelry Lisa Leonard Designs – handstamped jewelry Little Angels – keepsakes, jewelry, stones, figurines, candles, books, tear bottles, and much more Mama Mia – custom handstamped jewelry Mason’s Cause Memory Bears – bears created from your own fabric (such as your child’s blanket or clothing) Metal Stamped Memories ~ handstamped jewelry and ornaments My Forever Child – remembrance, fertility, pregnancy, awareness, & hand/footprint jewelry, suncatchers, candles, keychains, pins, custom designs Personalized Custom Creations Remembering Our Babies Memorial Keepsake Boutique – awareness items, jewelry, decals, books, keychains, suncatchers Simply Silhouettes – silhouette products and ultrasound art Sufficient Grace Ministries – Dreams of You memory book, comfort bear, grief support The Comfort Company – stepping stones, tear bottles, ornaments, memorial trees/rocksThe Midnight Orange The Vintage Pearl – custom handstamped jewelry Things Remembered – personalized engraved keepsakes
Places to Have Your Baby Memorialized
Abiding Hope Collages (“word art” collage with your child’s name) To Write Their Names in the Sand (a photo of your child’s name written in on the beach in Australia) Angel Wings Memorial Boutique (beautiful angel wings with your child’s name) Heaven’s seashells (seashells with your child’s name) Angel baby names (artistic pictures done with your child’s name) Vermont Angels (pictures of your child’s name on water rocks) Treasure from my heart (your child’s name with a sea side theme) Name in the stars (you child’s name in the stars) Names on the sidewalk (a photo of your child’s name written in chalk) Waterfall Angel’s (your child’s name written on rock, photo taken by a waterfall) Treasure Beans (your child’s name hand painted on a rock) Rose Garden (your child’s name in rose petals) Portraits by Dana (an artist creates a sketch of your child) rockaBYEbaby (blocks of your child’s name in an artistic pose) Angel Baby Memorials (Tribute/memorial videos created in remembrance of your child) Beyond Words Designs (canvas paintings) Butterfly Footprints (have your child’s footprints turned into a butterfly image) Drawn by Debbie (Hand drawn memorial sketches & memorial jewelry) Project Kj (Photos taken by an angel mom who will add your babies name to them) In Our Hearts Pendants (Get a free photo pendant made with your angel’s picture)
Sites for Specific Birth Defects — Anencephaly — Congenital diaphragmatic hernia — Heart defects — Down Syndrome — Spina bifida — Spina bifida — Trisomy 18 — Trisomy 18 — All trisomies — Trisomy 13 — Triploidy — Thanatophoric Dysplasia — Potter’s Syndrome/renal agenesis

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Burial boxes
Faithfully Simple: Custom burial boxes (etsy store)
What to Expect
Pictures of different gestations This shows pictures of babies at different gestations.  It may be difficult for some to view but is helpful if you are wondering what your baby will look like at delivery.
Comfort after a Loss
Tender Tears – comfort boxes with specially selected items that show compassion, support and love for those who are grieving.  A percentage of each sale for the BabyLoss Comfort Boxes goes to Mikayla’s Grace.
A Loss Remembered – bereavement cards acknowledging the loss of a baby
Lost for Words Card Line –  unique card line founded by artists and photographers Carly Marie Dudley and Franchesca Cox that specializes in cards for pregnancy loss, infant loss and infertility.
General Advice
Carly Marie Project Heal: many resources touching on all aspects of healing after a loss.
Faces Of Loss: One of the most comprehensive resources for pregnancy loss including a place to tell your story of Loss or story of Hope.
Physical Healing
There was supposed to be a Baby Resources tips for diet, exercise and other healthy ways to promote physical healing
Baby Loss Healing Heart Gifts – products designed to naturally address aching breasts, aching bodies and aching hearts.
Emotional Healing
Meditation Cards:  Meditations and affirmations for personal healing, self-acceptance, and self-awareness.
Illuminate: Healing Through Photography
Memorial Arrangements
Burial boxes and gowns: Burial boxes available up to 22 weeks gestation, burial buntings and blankets from 4-26 weeks gestation, burial outfits 16-24 weeks.
Heaven’s Gain – caskets for miscarriage/early stillbirth
To Remember Your Baby
Miscarriage blankets: Purchase blankets for any size of pregnancy loss
Support for Dads

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We are sorry that your baby died, but we hope that by providing these resources we can offer support and comfort in the coming years.  If you come across a helpful resource that is not listed here, please email us at so we can add it.    
Comfort after a Loss
For Those Who Lost a Baby – A letter written by a babyloss mom about words she would have liked to hear those first few days after the loss of her daughter. Baby Loss Healing Heart Gifts – products designed to naturally address aching breasts, aching bodies and aching hearts.
Lactation/Breastmilk donation after Loss
Second trimester miscarriage, stillbirth or neonatal death brings with it an added trigger of milk production. Typically, 2-7 days after birth, milk production starts and it can not only be a big trigger, but physically painful as well. There are ways to ease the engorgement and transition to drying your milk, or other options that may be a help to your grief.  You can read some ways to ease the discomfort tip here.  There is an excellent pamphlet with more details about Lactation After Loss here.  More Post Loss Lactation Resources here.  For some mothers, it can be very healing to pump their breast milk and donate it to another baby in need.  Breastmilk donated to milk banks is provided to premature babies in NICUs and very ill infants.  It can be lifesaving.  While the idea of pumping can seem too difficult for many mothers, those who feel drawn to the idea usually take great comfort in their ability to put their baby’s milk to use.  If you have been pumping for your baby, it can be extremely difficult to think of discarding your milk.  There are several articles about how donating your breastmilk can be a healing experience here here, and here.  See our Local Resources Page {insert link to Local Resources Page here} for local information regarding breastmilk donation for the Madison area.
Cremation, Burial, Funeral arrangements
Infant Obituaries – sample infant obituaries
Linda & Gene Farley Center for Peace, Justice, and Sustainability: A natural, green cemetery in Verona, Wisconsin.
How to Plan a Baby’s Funeral– From the Glow in the Woods Bloggers
Burial boxes and gowns: Burial boxes available up to 22 weeks gestation, burial buntings and blankets from 4-26 weeks gestation, burial outfits 16-24 weeks.
Tiana Fund Helps with the Financial burden for monuments
Help with Funeral Costs
Mason’s Cause provides Bereavement Grants to help take some of the weight of the financial aspect of losing your child off your shoulders.
Heavenly Angels in Need: offers casket donations for those who are unable to afford the costs of a casket.
Heaven’s Gain – caskets for miscarriage/early stillbirth
Dempsey Burdick Foundation: Provides financial help for costs of headstones.
Scout and Stryker Foundation: Donates sandstone headstones for babies.
Watertown Memorial Company: Donate headstones, must pay small cost for foundation.  Call 920-261-0914
Skylar’s Gift: Tiffany and Stephen Bowen started Skyler’s Gift Foundation to provide financial support to families in need that have lost their newborn infants from complications of premature birth. They believe no one should have to face this loss alone and especially without the needed resources in place.
Wings of Hope: Living Forward has teamed up with a monument company to assist you in your time of financial difficulties after the loss of your loved one. These monuments have been discounted to help our grieving families afford a monument or tombstone for your loved one.
Song lists
Poem/Quote lists
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep: NILMDTS administers a network of volunteer photographers that at a family’s request, will come to your hospital or hospice location and conduct a sensitive and private portrait session. The portraits are then professionally retouched and presented to the families on an archival DVD or CD that can be used to print portraits of their cherished baby.  These photographers graciously donate their time and talents to our families and offer services at no cost.
Free 8×8 memory book from Heritage Makers: donates a free 8” x 8” storybook (a $49.95 value) to every family served by NILMDTS.
I Will Hold You in My Heart Forever: A memory book designed specifically for angel babies.
Illuminate: Healing Through Photography, an online course for bereaved parents
Baby Angel Pics: retouching of images
Physical Healing
There was supposed to be a Baby Resources tips for diet, exercise and other healthy ways to promote physical healing
Baby Loss Healing Heart Gifts – products designed to naturally address aching breasts, aching bodies and aching hearts.
Emotional Healing
Meditation Cards:  Meditations and affirmations for personal healing, self-acceptance, and self-awareness.
Illuminate: Healing Through Photography
Support for Dads
Carrying to Term Arritola Family: A Faith based organization providing parental support for families who are facing a diagnosis for their child that is deemed medically fatal.
A Heartbreaking Choice: Pregnancy does not end happily for everyone. We realize that all parents make a loving choice, one they feel is better for their baby. Regardless of the fetal anomaly found, the decision to end a pregnancy is always a difficult one.
Carrying To Term Brochure (PDF): A resource brochure for families who are considering carrying to term after a fatal prenatal diagnosis.
Perinatal Hospice: A Gift of Time: An exhaustive list of resources for parents and caregivers who are seeking support after fatal prenatal diagnosis and are considering continuing their pregnancy, seeking the gift of time.
Be Not Afraid: An online outreach to parents who have received a poor or difficult prenatal diagnosis and faced the decision to continue or terminate their pregnancy. families faced the same decision and chose not to terminate.
Living with Trisomy 13 – perinatal hospice: Information about how perinatal hospice can help, resources from families whose babies were diagnosed with Trisomy 13 and Trisomy 18.
My Very Own Angel – Advice on carrying to term.
Poor Prenatal Diagnosis – information and support for parents receiving a poor prenatal diagnosis A Gift of Time: Continuing your Pregnancy When Your Baby’s Life is Expected to be Brief (Amy Kuebelbeck and Deborah Davis): This book is available to check out at the Madison Public Library.
Loss of Multiples
Twinless Twins International Support Groups
Loss of a Twin Personal Stories
Twinlost A Bereavement Resource list
Twinkle Events Lists of Twinless Twin Events
Academia  A Science Magazine article focusing on twins and and the affects of loss
Specific Support Sites (Support for Trisomy 13, 18 and Related Disorders)
Support for LBWC (Limb Body Wall Complex/Short Cord Syndrome and Body Stalk Anomaly)
SIDS specific resources
Tiny Handprints SIDS survival kit: Request support mailings to be sent throughout the first year.
Items To Request in Memory of Your Baby
Robby’s Rabbits: Request a bunny for bereaved parents
Molly Bears: request a teddy bear made especially in memory of your angel(s) with their birth weight.
Memorial Keepsakes, Jewelry
1st Frame – Personalized picture frames
Angel Bracelets – personalized bracelets to remember your child
Angels for Hope – a free crocheted angel for those in need of hope
A Place To Remember – books, cards, memory boxes, ornaments, jewelry, clothing, certificates, baby books
Audrey’s Little Light – customized memorial scrapbook candles
Aurelia Rose Inc. – free personalized video that captures your journey with your child
Photo Restoration
Baby Angel Pics – photo restoration for your baby’s pics
Beyond Words Designs – words describing your child painted on a canvas and more
Casting Keepsakes – belly casts, clay kits, 3D molds, shadowboxes, ink
Engraved Euniques – engraved tiles and more
For Your Tears – Request a handkerchief with “For Your Tears” on it.
Garden Angel Art Works – Stepping stones, glass photo tiles
Glory Babies A to Z – memorial jewelry where purchases go towards creating a personalized necklace for parents who have suffered the loss of a child.
Hanami Prints – purchase memorial jewelry, candles, keepsake boxes, loss birth announcements, Christmas ornaments, charcoal prints.
Heavenly Angels In Need – memory boxes, caskets, burial garments, hats/booties
Heaven’s Gain – caskets for miscarriage/early stillbirth
Heaven’s Gain Memorials – memorial gifts and keepsakes, books of condolence and memory books
Imprint On My Heart – fine fingerprint jewelry
In Our Hearts Photo Pendants – a pendant of wood or glass created to remember your child
Jules Jewelry – variety of jewelry
Just A Cloud Away – scrapbooking, remembrance kit, creating crafts/baskets
La Belle Dame – memorial, fertility, and pregnancy jewelry
Lisa Leonard Designs – handstamped jewelry
Little Angels – keepsakes, jewelry, stones, figurines, candles, books, tear bottles, and much more
Mama Mia – custom handstamped jewelry
Memory Bears – bears created from your own fabric (such as your child’s blanket or clothing)
Metal Stamped Memories ~ handstamped jewelry and ornaments
My Forever Child – remembrance, fertility, pregnancy, awareness, & hand/footprint jewelry, suncatchers, candles, keychains, pins, custom designs
Remembering Our Babies Memorial Keepsake Boutique – awareness items, jewelry, decals, books, keychains, suncatchers
Simply Silhouettes – silhouette products and ultrasound art
Sufficient Grace Ministries – Dreams of You memory book, comfort bear, grief support
The Comfort Company – stepping stones, tear bottles, ornaments, memorial trees/rocks, Reunion Heart keepsakes
The Vintage Pearl – custom handstamped jewelry
Things Remembered – personalized engraved keepsakes

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Local Support
The Rainbow Sisters: Alli Ryan, a local doula and baby loss momma, specializes in the support of women and families during bereavement or in subsequent pregnancies.
Rainbow Pregnancies of Madison: A support group for women pregnant again after a loss.  Becoming pregnant after losing your precious baby can be another emotional journey.  There are often conflicting emotions – joy and excitement mixed with grief and fear. Expecting moms often need additional support and find more comfort with other moms who are also pregnant again after loss.  Rainbow Pregnancies of Madison is a supportive and safe place for mothers during their rainbow pregnancies.  There is a private Facebook support page and monthly support group meetings.  The group is facilitated by Rebecca Markert.  For further information, please contact
Pregnancy After A Loss
See Me, Feel Me  – project of The Star Legacy Foundation, for pregnancy after stillbirth Sidelines – international support for women and their families experiencing complicated pregnancies and premature births Celebrating Pregnancy Again: blog with resources about subsequent pregnancy
Subsequent Birth Planning including Birthplan
Rainbows and Redemption (free download)
Pregnancy After Loss Love Letter Series: 14 writers submitted lovely love letters for the Love Letters for the Mom Pregnant Again after Loss Blog Series
Pregnancy after Loss Forums and groups
Doppler Rental
Tiny Heartbeats – free doppler rental for pregnancy after loss Beats for Bristol: free doppler rental for pregnancy after loss
High Risk Pregnancy – bed rest and complicated pregnancy support
Healing Pregnancy Meditation: This meditation is especially good for women with high risk pregnancies or who are worried about their baby’s state of being. 
Subsequent Children after a Loss
Family & Friends

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Having a baby hospitalized in the NICU can be frightening, confusing and overwhelming for parents.  We hope that the resources found on this page will help you find the help and support you might need during your baby’s NICU stay.  
General advice
Communicating with NICU Staff
Most often, your doctor or nurse will give you your baby’s weight in grams.  Use this conversion chart to translate grams into pounds.
Help with Expenses While in the NICU
How to Pay for Your NICU Stay article by Hand to Hold
Paying for NICU care by March Of Dimes
Ronald McDonald House Charities – A foundation that provides a “home-away-from-home” for families so they can stay close by their hospitalized child at little or no cost.
NICU resources for Transition to Home
Zoe’s New Beginnings – Provides a complimentary basket of practical, essential items to help make the transition from hospital to home a smooth one
5 Myths about Colds, Flu, and RSV by Erika Goyer (NEW)
Balancing Work and a NICU Stay by Samantha Pridgen
RSV 101: What Every NICU Parent Needs to Know (Includes Video) by Kelli Kelly and Amy Carr
What Does a Pediatric Home Health Provider Do? – Skilled Nursing Care at Home
Spanish NICU resources
Tener a un bebé en la UCIN por Cook Children’s Centro Médico y
Cuando su bebé nace con un problema de salud  por Cook Children’s Centro Médico y
Guía de apoyo para tí y tu bebé prematuro por La Academia Americana de Pediatría, Fundación de Niños con Defectos de Nacimiento March of Dimes
¿Por qué el Programa Canguro? por La Leche League
Amamantar un bebé prematuro por el doctor G Gremmo-Feger
Su Bebé y el Sueño Seguro  de SafeKids Austin and the Travis County Medical Examiner
For the Love of Babies book: Written by Sue Hall, MD.  This is a collection of stories about life in the NICU.
The Complete Preemie Guide to: Surviving the NICU:  e-book to help parents become more familiar with the new and foreign environment of the NICU, find ways of coping with a preterm birth, and harness a greater sense of confidence and control during often difficult and trying times in the NICU. Narratives from the NICU e-book.
For Those Who Hold the Littlest Hands: Free NICU downloadable e-book.
Preemie Parent – book and website
Memory Making
Miracle Bebe: Free printables for scrapbooking your NICU experience and also a NICU dictionary
Beads of Courage – An organization dedicated to helping children with serious illness record, tell and own their stories of survival
Socks 4 Surgery – An organization dedicated to providing a keepsake pair of socks to critically ill children.
Support from other NICU families
Helping Hand – peer-to-peer support program
Other NICU Resources website written by a NICU nurse to provide information to parents that have or have had a premature baby or a baby in the NICU and seek support from those who have been in a similar situation – as well as empowering parents with the knowledge necessary to make it through the tough times that come along with having a child in the NICU.
March of Dimes In the NICU
Fetal Hope Foundation – provides support and information on many medical conditions
Project Sweet Peas Resources while you are in the NICU
Giving Back
Lily Wraps Small blanket wraps designed especially for fragile NICU babies.  She has a donation program where you can give back to your local NICU
Preemie clothing and other helpful items
Nurtured by Design: offers the Zaky and the KangarooZak tools for comforting your baby in the NICU.
Wubbanub: soothie pacifier attached to plush animal to keep pacifier in place for baby.
Sweet Pea Exchange: clothing exchange for preemie and newborn clothing through Project Sweet Peas
AvaBaby’s Boutique clothing for preemies and micropreemies
Littlest Lambs: NICU gowns and cuddle nests

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Advice forFamily and Friends of NICU families
Gift Ideas
Support for NICU Siblings
Sibling Support – connections with peers who have been through the NICU
Giving Back
Lily Wraps: Small blanket wraps designed especially for fragile NICU babies.  She has a donation program where you can give back to your local NICU
Preemie clothing and other helpful items
Perfectly Preemie The Preemie Store Jacqui’s Preemie Pride Itty Bitty Me Shoppe Nurtured by Design: offers the Zaky and the KangarooZak tools for comforting your baby in the NICU.  They offer a matching program where they match your purchase and donate to the NICUs. Beads of Courage Wubbanub: soothie pacifier attached to plush animal to keep pacifier in place for baby. Sweet Pea Exchange: clothing exchange for preemie and newborn clothing through Project Sweet Peas
AvaBaby’s Boutique clothing for preemies and micropreemies

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If you have found this page it likely means that someone close to you has experienced the loss of their baby. You want to help, but you’re afraid of doing something wrong or overstepping your bounds.  We hope that the resources on this page will help guide you through supporting this person.

Understanding Loss

What to Say

How to Help

Gifts for Bereaved parents

Support Resources for Grandparents

Support Resources for Siblings
